Tuesday 8 December 2020

Chritsmas Word search

 This week in t2 we have been set 12 different christmas tasks to do. One of the tasks we had to complete was a word search saying Happy Christmas in heaps of different languages. Since we have 2 weeks of school left until the christmas holidays so thats why we are doing heaps of christmas tasks.

Friday 27 November 2020

Frida Kahlo

For the rest of the term my class is doing art with Mrs Gully. For art with Mrs Gully every tuesday we go to her studio and do art with her. This week we were painting and last week we were drawing a picture of Frida Kahlo. She explained how to draw every part of the face. Frida Kahlo is a girl that is famous for drawing her self portraits. She likes to include animals in her drawings like a dead bird as the necklace. Frida Kahlo: Self-Portrait with Thorn Necklace, Poster | National Gallery  of Art Shops | shop.nga.gov

Gingerbread men for Granger house

 This week with Miss Panther we have been doing a thing called 20% day. For this we had to think of something kind to do for someone. My group decided to make gingerbread men for all the old people at Granger House. First we had to plan what we need to make these gingerbread men and when we were going to do it. Yesterday we made and delivered our gingerbread men to Granger House and all of the old people loved them. We also got some clear bags and made little cards to put in the bags so they look nicer.Gingerbread Reindeer Recipe | Food Network Kitchen | Food Network

Tuesday 17 November 2020


Hello. For the past 2 weeks we have been doing prep. Prep is where you make groups with 3-6 people and you have to make products and sell them in 2 school markets. This year since prep was later in the year we had a theme of christmas meaning we had to make christmas products. My group decided to make stickers with heaps of different brands, Lucky dips wrapped with christmas paper, and some christmas present labels. The first week we had mini market. At mini market we didn't sell very much products but we still made $152 dollars. The next week was big market. At big market we sold around 200 stickers, 50 labels and 60 lucky dips, We wish we made more lucky dips since they sold really well. Lots of people bought the stickers to put on their chromebooks. 

Friday 6 November 2020

Climate change.

 This week for literacy we have been learning about climate change. The first thing we did was read an article about climate change. In the article it had lots of imformation about what climate change is and what it's doing. After we had read the article we had to find some facts or imformation that we had learnt from the article and add it to a doc. After we had done that we had to make a slide explaining what climate change is doing, what we can do to prevent it and our personal opinion on climate change.

Friday 23 October 2020

Chapter 4, See Ya Simon

 Hello, This term my class is reading a book called See Ya Simon. This book is about a kid in year 10 named Simon who has muscular dystrophy which is a sickness which causes your arms and legs to not work to the point where you die. We are up to chapter 4 and for each chapter we have to answer different questions about what happened in the chapter.  

Chapter Four
What is the name  of the role playing game Simon and his friends were playing?  The lair of the white wolf

What did Nathan say he looked like in photos?
Nathan said that he looked one of the identikit people from the crime watch tv program.

Why did Mrs Shaw think Simon had trouble walking when he was little? Because his mum used to smoke before he was born so she thought that caused him to have trouble walking.

How did Simon feel about his parents looking after him all the time? Simon felt like he was always with them and that was never private.

How would you feel if you were Simon? Why? If i was simon i would be a bit sad because i would know that i am weak and that i'm going to die soon. 

How often do Simon’s parents go out? Simon's parents go out every second Thursday evening.

Summary of Chapter Four:

In chapter 4 Simon was starting to get annoyed about always being at home with people and that he felt like he was always having to be watched and that he wanted his mum and dad to be able to have a life of their own without having to worry about simon, so his mum and dad got a babysitter and  going out every second Thursday evening. Simon and his friends always play this roleplaying game where they pretend to be different characters. Later in the chapter they were explaining how Simon has a shower and that he has to be sitting down and that he lays on the floor to get dressed and undressed. Simon had also said that he hates looking back at the photos from when he was younger and he refuses to look at them because he probably doesn’t want to see how much more frail and weak he has goten.

Grandparents day.

 Hello. Today is grandparents day so for this we had to make a grandparents poem to give to them for grandparents day. For this poem we had to write why we are thankful to have our grandparents and what we want to thank them for. Here is my grandparents day poem.